XV Beneficia Laser Welding Machina
Laser welding is the use of high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small area. The energy of laser radiation diffuses into the material through thermal conduction to melt the material to form a specific mol10 pool. In order to achieve the purpose of welding.
Genera Laser Welding Machines
Machina laser welding is also of10 known as laser cold welding machine, laser argon welding machine, laser welding equipment, etc. According to its working method, it can of10 be divided into laser mold welding machine (manual laser welding equipment), automatic laser welding machine, laser spot welding machine, optical fiber transmission laser welding machine, galvanometer welding machine, handheld welding machine, etc., special laser welding The equipment includes sensor welding machine, silicon steel sheet laser welding equipment, keyboard laser welding equipment.
operationis principium
Laser welding is the use of high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in tiny areas. The energy of laser radiation diffuses into the material through thermal conduction, melting the material to form a specific mol10 pool. It is a new type of welding method, mainly for the welding of thin-walled materials and precision parts. It can realize spot welding, butt welding, stack welding, sealing welding, etc. It has a high aspect ratio, a small weld width, and a small heat affected zone. Small deformation, fast welding speed, smooth and beautiful weld seam, no or simple processing after welding, high quality weld seam, no air holes, precise control, small focus spot, high positioning accuracy, easy to automate.
XV Beneficia Laser Welding Machina
1. Debita caloris moles ad minimum reduci potest, metallographica mutatio extensionis caloris zonae affectae parva est, et deformatio ob conductionem caloris etiam infima est.
2. The welding process parameters of single pass welding of 32mm plate thickness have been qualified, which can reduce the time required for welding of thick plates and even save the use of filler metals.
3. Nihil opus est uti electrodes, nihil solliciti de contagione vel damni electrode. Et quia non est processus contactum glutino, machinae vestis et deformatio ad minimum reduci potest.
4. Laser trabs facilis est ad umbilicum, alignum atque instrumentis opticis ductus. Poni potest per opportunum intervallum ab workpiece, et inter instrumenta vel impedimenta circa fabricam reduci potest. Aliae modi glutino modo supra spatii restrictiones limitantur. Ludere nequitur.
5. Operatio in spatio clauso collocari potest (sub ambitu vacui vel interni gasi sub potestate).
6. Trabes laser in parva area versari potest, et parva et arcte disiuncta componi potest.
7. Ambitus materiarum copulabilis lata est, et variae materiae heterogeneae etiam inter se coniungi possunt.
8. Facile est automate glutino summus celeritati, et etiam digitali vel computatorio moderari potest.
9. Cum glutino tenui vel tenui-diametri filum, non erit susceptibile sicut arcus glutino dorsi conflari.
10. Non afficitur campus magneticus (arcus glutinosus et electronicus trabes glutino faciliores), pugillo accurate colorare possunt.
11. 2 metals with different physical properties (such as different resistance) can be welded.
12. Nullum vacuum vel X-ray praesidium requiritur.
13. Celeritas magna, magna profunditas et parva deformatio.
14. Si glutino perforationis profunditas globi globi ad rationem pertingere potest 10:1.
15. Fabrica mutanda est ut trabem laseris ad multas officinas transmittat.