Uti ArtCAM cum CNC Router for? 3D Woodworking?
ArtCAM provides a series of 3-dimensional machining options, which can not only generate the entire relief machining tool path, but also generate a tool path in a specific area. Provides a range of tool types to choose from and full control of tool size. With ArtCAM, multiple tool paths can be generated. In this way, a variety of different machining strategies can be used in combination. Rough machining can be performed multiple times before finishing to cut off excess material before finishing. ArtCAM can generate a separate tool path file for each tool or combine the tool path files of a series of tools into one large file, depending on whether your CNC router machine has a tool change function.
ARTCAM software instrumentum viam imaginum ad levationem insculpendam generare potest. Hic fasciculus seriem mandatorum continet quae iter instrumenti specificat sequendum in processu subsidii pro certo cnc machina.
6 steps to make relief carving path with ArtCAM for CNC router machine:
Step 1. 1st click on the new file icon from the file toolbar to create a new file.
Step 2. Enter a h8 of 100mmA latitudo * 100mm, and a resolution of 1002x1002 points in the new model size dialog window 100.
Gradus 3. Elige File - Input - 3D Exemplar Optionum ex optionibus menu.
Gradus 4. Select the 3D exemplar lima ex indicem. Post foramen, exemplar lima in the apparebit 3D visum et alternis fenestrae ad pasting 3D exemplar etiam in screen apparebit.
Step 5. Edit the 3-dimensional model: specify the model reference X, Y, Z position or center. Rotate around any spindle. Mirror around X, Y or Z axis. Scaling model-can be scaled proportionally or stretched along an axis.
Gradus 6. Post emendo, preme "Paste" et exemplar apparebit. Hoc modo instrumentum programmandi eligere possumus, et tandem viam fasciculi servare sicut tabella formativa, quae subsidio machinae insculpendae definitum est. Tum in CNC iter ad machinationem importari potest.
Cum popularis de CNC iter in variis industriis et agris, magis magisque utentes sunt, ac magis ac magis applicatio ad eas pertinent.
In praesenti, ARTCAM programmatio est subsidio programmatis cum magno usu loquendi. Potest inponere aliquos communiter adhibitos relevium formarum formarum, munus valde potens, importare potes formam CAD, Pro/E format, 3ds Max format et alia subsidia exempla in programmatibus emendis.
Praeter subsidio sculpturae, programmatio itineris CNC (ArtCAM) potest etiam sculptura profile et sculptura cava facere, muneribus validissimis.